Date sheets of all boards and universities,you can view in this page.Here is lists of classes to view and download the date sheets.We are trying to update this page as quickly as possible for your respective class date sheet,when your board is announced your date sheet schedules.
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Matric Date Sheet
Matric is every student’s biggest and first big challenge. Nearly everybody takes this exam very seriously and spends most of the time in studies. Also very important for preparations is the Lahore Board Date Sheet 2024 as students can plan their time according to the gaps between two papers.Usually, all students start caring about their studies after the arrival of the 10th class date sheet and work hard to get good marks in matric examination.In facilitating their studies, we always try to be the companion of our dear students.
1st year Date Sheet
They know that if they don’t get good marks, medical students won’t get medical school admission. In the same way, students of engineering know that they will not be admitted to universities of engineering. This makes it more important to have the intermediate date sheet. Some students call it the 2024 date sheet for the first year, but both are identical.Students who struggle to obtain good marks and do hard work are particularly waiting for inter part 1 date sheet. They know that when the date sheet for the first year is announced, only one month will be left for examinations.