The SSC part 2 exams, on the other hand, usually take place soon after the examinations of the 9th class. Mostly, in the month of March, the 10th class exams are organized by the Lahore Board and the roll number slips are issued two or three months earlier.
The board send the slips of the roll number to regular students at their respective institutes and private students at the addresses listed in the examination forms.After the matriculation exams in the months of May and June, the 11th and 12th class exams under the Lahore Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education are held and all affiliated colleges, institutes and private candidates are taking part in these annual exams.
BISE Lahore 11th & 12th Class Annual/Supply Roll No Slips 2024
Lahore board 11th & 12th class annual/Supply roll no slip 2024,full details to download the roll no slips
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Bise Lahore 9th & 10th class annual/Supply roll no slip 2024,full details to download the roll no slips
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