NUMS MDCAT 2024 Top Position Holders

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The hard work of the students is evident in the NUMS MDCAT results this year, and the private merit list for admissions has also been uploaded. Students can use their roll numbers, CNIC, and other information to view their results by visiting the NUMS official website from this page and checking their NUMS MDCAT RESULT 2024.

Names Percentage Position
Ayesha Sajjad 1st 98.13%
Saad Ullah 2nd 97.26%
Fatima Naveed 3rd 97.7%
Talha Umar 4th 96.2%
Mehboob Khalid 5th 96.1%
Haad Ali 6th 97.5%
Maleeha Ramzan 7th 95.4%
Muhammad Abdur Rafay 8th 95.3%